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User:Hayabusa future

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
idPengguna ini merupakan penutur ibu bahasa Indonesia.
en-3This user can contribute with an advanced level of English.
ms-2Pengguna ini boleh menyumbang dengan taraf yang sederhana dalam Bahasa Melayu.

Name: WiIIiam Arya

Location: Medan, Indonesia & Melbourne, Australia

I do mostly interwikis to Indonesian Wikipedia.


Pic of the day...

Rhinanthus angustifolius
Rhinanthus angustifolius, the narrow-leaved rattle or greater yellow-rattle, is a species of plant of the genus Rhinanthus, in the broomrape family, Orobanchaceae. It is an annual wildflower, native to temperate grasslands in much of Europe, and north and central Western Asia. The yellow flowers are mostly visited by bumblebees. This R. angustifolius inflorescence was photographed in Kulna, Estonia. The photograph was focus-stacked from 80 separate images.Photograph credit: Ivar Leidus